Is It Time For A Change in Your Life?

anaisninmwom102815Has the day come?Are you ready to let your creative spirit blossom?Maybe you’re ready, but you have so much going on that the idea of giving your creative desires the attention you'd love feels hopeless.Maybe you’re ready, but you're not sure of the best way to begin.Maybe you’re ready, but you haven't asked for help because you think you should be able to do it all on your own.I have good news.There’s hope.There are simple ways to begin.And, you don’t have to do it on your own.Are you ready to make a change?I invite you to join me and some kindred creative spirits in a supportive, inspiring and motivating group ~The Creative Oasis Collective.Ready to feel confident in your creative pursuits, energized by your creative expression and more peaceful in your daily life? Learn more about our private membership group hereNot looking to join a group right now?Another good way to get started all on your own is to check out the updated version of my "Permission to Be Creative 101 Guide" for a simple three step process that will walk you step by step into 10 minutes of guilt-free creative me time. (PLEASE NOTE: If you already receive Mid-Week Oasis Moments you can request your updated guide here, and I'll personally send one to you right away!)Here's to giving yourself permission to change, grow and create!Jill