The Joys of Being A Lifelong Learner

GandhiMWOM101916Are you a lifelong learner?Do you love following your curiosity, discovering new concepts, meeting new people, traveling to new places and trying new experiences?If your answer is a resounding YES, then you and I are birds of a feather my friend! This past week I attended a conference in Denver, Colorado where I ~

  • Dreamed up beaucoups of fun, new ways to help you live creative life you crave.
  • Learned an amazing amount from some super successful (and generous) biz brains that will help me serve you better.
  • Cavorted with other lifelong learners from all around the world. (Yes ~ I'll admit it. There was cavorting.)

Bonus Discovery: Call me crazy, but I think I may have hit upon the key to world peace. Three words ~ Bohemian Rhapsody Karaoke. (I saw it with my own eyes. A room filled with the most diverse group of people imaginable smiling and singing at the top of their lungs. It was an instant love fest!)purplepartypic2

(A couple of the lovely, interesting people I met at the Digital Commerce Summit 2016. This really was a business conference. I swear!)

The joys of being a lifelong learner are many! 

  • Personal enrichment and self-fulfillment
  • Discovering deeper meaning in your life
  • Learning to adapt to change
  • Building confidence and resilience
  • Increasing your knowledge and wisdom
  • Exploring of new experiences
  • Following your curiosity to see where it leads
  • Cultivating new friendships


(Meeting even more inspiring people and reconnecting with some friends I made last May at Tara Gentile's Quiet Power Strategy Summit.)

What's the number one thing you'd love to learn when it comes to your personal creative life and what (if anything) is standing in your way? Drop me a line in the comments below to share your thoughts. I'd love to know. The photo at the very top of this page was taken a few years ago in Bhutan with Ugyen Penjor, monk and caretaker of the Lungchutsekha Monastery that was built in the 13th century and overlooks the breathtaking Himalayan Mountain Range.We were rewarded after a 2-hour hike with clear, sunny skies and this spectacular view, a tour of the temple and a special blessing by Penjor.Truly an awe inspiring experience and a potent reminder of why I'm a committed lifelong learner and dedicated to helping you learn to embrace the creative life you crave.

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." ~ Henry Ford

Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,


jillatpianocircleP.S. ~ If you enjoyed this post, I invite you to sign up here to receive my Mid-Week Oasis Moments ~ bite-size bonbons of creative inspiration, motivation and permission to play served up each week. You'll also receive a free copy of my Permission to Be Creative 101 Guide that will lead you effortlessly into 10-minutes of guilt-free creative joy.