Before I Die I Want To...

beforeIdieMWOM Recently I had the opportunity to see the artist, Candy Chang, speak at the annual Dallas Women's Foundation Luncheon.Chang shared her story of how and why her first "Before I Die..." interactive art wall came to be. (There are now more than 1,000 all over the world!)And she got me thinking...what do I want to do before I die? My short list above barely scratches the surface, but it's a start.Chang invites us to ponder this heavy (yet, empowering!) question NOW ~ rather than waiting for that ever elusive "someday."Which is wise, because the truth is, we're not promised "someday."With that in mind...what do you want to do before you die? You may find examining this question sobering. (The reminder that we don't get to live forever usually is, isn't it?)And yet... taking the time to give serious thought to what you really want to do with your precious time on earth can make your heart beat faster in an exciting, hopeful way.One of the reasons Chang's presentation resonated so deeply with me is I realized that helping you Discover and then Do the things you want to do Now versus Someday is what my Creative Oasis Coaching is all about!There's a whole big, beautiful world out there filled with people, places and experiences just waiting for you to discover! (Click here to grab the colorful prompt sheet I made for you to start your own list.)Does the prospect of this light you up but you don't know where or how to begin?Does having someone to help you get moving and stay on track sound good?Are you ready to turn your "Before I Die Dreams" into your "Right here - Right Now Reality?"If you answered yes to even one of these questions, let's talk! Book your complimentary 30-minute creative coaching session with me here to get started right away!At the very least, I hope you'll give yourself permission to spend a few minutes dreaming up a few fabulous experiences to start your own "Before I Die" list. (And if you feel brave enough to share one of them in the comments below I'd love to hear from you!)I'm off to start my list of small steps that will lead to my first glass of wine in Barcelona!You can learn more about Candy Chang and her inspiring "Before I Die" project here.All the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,JillJILL-BUBBLESrev3bquotesmallsize