It's Time To Shine Your Light!

comantra3option2.jpg(*Fair Warning: the words Love and Light are used frequently in this message.)

 You're sure to be feeling some strong emotions this week.

You may feel outraged, saddened and fearful.

You may feel thrilled, happy and hopeful.

Even though the outcome of the recent election has polarized us as a nation I truly believe sharing our creative light with each other will help us begin to heal our bitter divisions.

Whichever side you support, now more than ever, it's time to let your creative light shine!

While hateful, angry bile spews forth on social media and closer to home, in my daughter's school and even in the faces of close friends I cannot sit by and do and say nothing.

I must stand up with all the love and light in my heart and I ask you to join me.

Even though you may or may not agree with my liberal political views, those of you I know personally who don't, I know to be good, loving people. I ask you to join me as together we shine our light brightly and treat each other with love and respect.

Now is the time to brighten your own life with your own Creative Oasis. The positivity and joy you experience personally will surely radiate out to those around you!

Now is the time to embrace your creative passions.


Pick up your pen.

Pick up your paintbrush.

Pick up your spatula.

Pick up your instrument.

Pick up your camera.

Whether or not you share some of my "woo-woo" beliefs (positive energy, heemeesheemees, all this talk about love and light) I ask you to join me in putting your best self forward.

Now is the time to share your creative gifts with the world. And believe me, you do have gifts to share!

Share your words.

Share your creations.

Share your dishes.

Share your songs.

Share your images.

One of my greatest creative gifts is the ability to help you share yours. This is one way I can shine my light and move from feeling helpless to hopeful.

If you feel stuck, afraid or overwhelmed, please know that I'm here for you! Send me a message using the "Contact" link above and let's set up a time to talk.

I am so honored to be working with women right now to help them share their music, their blogs, their art and their teaching gifts with the world.

Are you ready to join them?

If so, let me help you shine your creative light into the world starting here and now!

Shared with all of the Love and Light I can muster today,

