What Happens When You Remember Your Worth


Big time transformation happens when you remember your worth!

Here's what happens when you step into your power and truly remember your worth, you are unstoppable!

• You finally let go of doubts and fears and refuse to let them stop you!

• You say Yes to your highest and best self, even if it means saying No to others at times!

• You feel energized, fired up and confident to to share your gifts and talents with the world!

Here are 3 delightfully doable ways you can practice remembering your worth this week ~

1. Make a quick list of all the things you love about yourself ~ currently and from the past. (P.S. ~ those "from the past" things are available to you again if you wish!)

2. Think of one person you love and come up with at least three ways you've added goodness to his or her life.

3. Remember a time you stepped outside your comfort zone and felt truly energized and alive! How did your actions positively effect your life and/or the lives of others?

I absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt that you have a treasure chest of amazing gifts to share with the world!

I know that you are more than worthy to step into your power, start sharing those gifts and create a joyful, fulfilling life you truly love ~ NOW!

I also know that it's easier said than done to do this all on your own.

That's why I want to invite you to join me for one of my Fall Creative Oasis Living Groups !

When you join me you can expect all of the following and more...

• The time and space to ask yourself what you really want out of life and then take consistent, inspired action to make that happen!

• Personalized coaching support from me.

• Camaraderie of a supportive group every step of the way.

• To learn and practice tools and techniques that will help you build good self-care habits, embrace creativity in all aspects of your life, reduces stress and increase fun and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

*IMPORTANT NOTE* ~ You do not have to be an artist to take this class! This class is for you if you crave more creative joy in your life via have ANY creative outlet ~ gardening, cooking, travel, music, visiting museums, pinching clay, reading, writing letters ~ any experience that energizes and delights you!

Choose from in-person or online options this fall.

We’ll meet in person weekly in my cozy and colorful creative studio ~ in person or virtually by ZOOM video calls. 

The magic that happens in a small community of kindred creative spirits is truly amazing and life-changing. (Just ask any of the women who spent time in Santa Fe on retreat with me!)

That's why I limit these groups to a maximum of 5 people ~ so you’ll enjoy a more transformative experience including personalized coaching during our sessions and personalized email follow-ups after each session.

*Note ~ The Wednesday group has already sold out for this fall.

Feel free to contact me here if you have any questions and I'll get back to you ASAP! 

Here's to remembering your worth and creating a life you truly love ~ NOW! Why wait?

xoxo ~ Jill

Jill Allison Bryan